"My coach and team have helped me connect with the right people and the right learning material to help determine where my interests lie."

Joined Capco: 2019
Role:         Consultant
Primary skills: Project management/business analyst with a Capital Markets focus
Interests: Digital, automation, reading

I learned about Capco through an on-campus recruiting event during my sophomore year at Penn State. At the time, I was very involved in consulting organizations on campus and knew that was the career I wanted to pursue. As a finance major, I was intrigued by Capco and its specialized focus on financial services. I reached out to the presenters and on-campus recruiters and was told to reach back out when I was a rising senior. After interviewing, I was offered an internship, and that internship turned into a full-time offer.

My full-time role at Capco started with the Associate Talent Program (ATP), eager to learn everything I could about financial services. Between my coach and my team, I have been able to focus my involvement in specific areas - they have helped me connect with the right people and the right learning material to help determine where my interests lie. Funny enough, almost four years after that initial campus event, the managing principal, who presented at Penn State, is the manager on my project. He still jokes how I was such an eager little sophomore.

When I was very young, I was adopted from China to a family where my mom and dad came from different backgrounds. I think growing up in a multi-cultural environment where I learned about their different cultures allowed me to appreciate my uniqueness and made me interested in learning about other cultures. My background is something that helps me in my consulting career, as you must interact with various stakeholders from different cultural backgrounds.

Currently, I maintain a portfolio of projects in a PM/BA role across operations at a Tier 2 investment bank. Day-to-day, I can be doing several different things, from facilitating SteerCo meetings to drafting business requirements. It has been a great experience as a junior on the team to learn about different functions of bank operations and earn the ability to scale up responsibility and client interaction on a project.

Of all my work at Capco, I am most proud of my first ever project immediately following the two-week ATP. I rolled onto a 12-week cyber resiliency assessment for a Tier 2 investment bank's most critical back-office functions. As an associate, with absolutely no background in cybersecurity, I was intimidated at first. It was a baptism by fire experience, but I always felt supported by my managers, teammates, and partners along the way. In the end, I surprised myself at how confidently I was able to speak about something I knew nothing about three months prior and was proud to see how the success on this engagement helped build out the cyber assessment offering and sell work across other clients.

Capco has lots of ways to get involved and give back. This past December, I was able to participate in the Second Annual Winter Wishes event. An event planned between Capco CSR and Women@Capco. We were able to wrap and gift over 200 toys to children across the five boroughs of NYC through New York Cares. It was so great to get together with my friends and co-workers to wrap toys and read the letters that children had sent in. Everyone was in such good spirits after work; it was great to give back during the holidays.

In my personal life, I am a huge foodie. I love living in New York and having every different type of cuisine at my fingertips! Since graduating from college, I have been looking for a new hobby. I started taking tennis lessons this year, which has been super exciting – I am looking forward to getting back to lessons post-COVID. Growing up, most of my favorite memories were spending summers on Martha's Vineyard with my family. When I am not using my vacation time on the Vineyard, I love to explore new places – Australia and South East Asia are next on my list!

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