Farzine Fazel




Farzine Fazel is Managing Partner of our business in France, Belgium and Switzerland including the three core lines of business in Europe. In essence, Capco’s Sourcing Offerings provide an integrated approach for Financial Services clients across the full range of Capco’s delivery capabilities and assets in an on shore / near shore / off shore continuum. Capco Sourcing Offerings provides domain led technology and process sourcing, leveraging the best of Capco global – along with best-of-breed technology platforms and client assets - to enhance drive greater efficiency for clients.

Earlier in his extensive career at Capco (which spans more than a decade) Farzine was responsible for the Euronext sub-region for the firm, comprising Capco’s operations in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and French-speaking Switzerland. Farzine is also a member of the Global and European Management Teams, and has been a Partner at Capco since joining in 1998.


Farzine has particular expertise in capital markets, with a specific focus on complex derivatives instruments. He is a regular speaker at industry events, and contributes frequently to articles in both the national and trade press, offering comment on general industry trends, as well as providing in-depth comment on specific financial industry topics. Farzine has recently been featured in a number of broadcast media in France (BFM TV and Radio), and has been interviewed for several of France’s national daily newspapers.


Farzine is a well-respected industry expert and has authored:

  • Financial Transaction Tax: FTT Imprecise? Yes. Inevitable? Perhaps. Immensely Impactful? No Doubt.
  • Nearshore – Close, Compliant and Cost-effective
  • Keeping the Lights On: Creating a Source of Competitive Advantage in Financial Services


Farzine joined Capco from Resources Informatiques Bancaires, where he was a Partner responsible for the capital markets consultancy group. Prior to this, he led major initiatives for Wang and ACT, where he was responsible for the rollout of the FX trading system throughout Europe.

Farzine holds a PhD from the University of Paris in Derivatives Financial Modeling. He is the co-author of a Capco paper on nearshoring.

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