Agile And Modern Delivery Beyond IT



  • Karen Foster, Silvia Hayden, and Ashley Kruttek
  • Published: 09 June 2021


For Canadian financial institutions to survive, they must take appropriate action toward a modern delivery revolution. With an array of factors disrupting the business, technology, and society sectors, such as shifting customer expectations, new competitors in technology, and changing customer expectations, these financial institutions  need o adjust to an innovative era. Failure to adapt to new changes can result in negative effects, including potential customer loss, increased service cost, and a decreased market share. 

With the adjustment of change toward modern delivery, Canadian financial institutions must develop the key domain areas of agile thinking. The modern delivery approach advances on the traditional delivery strategy by focusing on adaptivity, innovativeness, and cross-collaborative framework results. By adapting to modern delivery, Canadian financial institutions can expect three major potential results – improved client experience, increased seed-to-value, and greater organizational agility. 

Learn more about the process and how modern delivery holds the key to success by downloading and reading our latest article.