When we signed up to the Charter in September 2020, our representation of women stood at 30%. As of September 6, 2023, that percentage has increased to 36.5% across our overall workforce, with 24.5% at the senior leadership level (Managing Principal and above). At the Director/Executive Director/Associate Partner/Partner levels (the four highest levels of leadership within Capco) that percentage increases to 27.58%.
We are committed to 30% of our senior leaders being women by 2025. In 2022, 21.1%* of our senior leadership were women. We believe this year-on-year increase stems from our focused efforts to attract and develop our women through a variety of initiatives such as our six month mentorship programme.
We remain committed to achieving our 2025 target of 50% women Associates.
We have in the last year been recognised for several women-focused DEI initiatives and have won two awards at the Women in Tech Awards: Best Returnship Programme and Best Recruitment Marketing Campaign – showcasing the success of some of the initiatives we have been running to support our drive to increase women representation.
During 2023 we are expanding our focus on development, with more local opportunities for learning and connection for senior women leaders alongside our global programme supporting promotion readiness for Capco’s future leaders.
We believe that this enhanced focus will further support our efforts to build our senior management pipeline to meet our 30% women at senior leadership target by the end of 2025. We also believe that our focus forums and ongoing surveys will help us to regularly review and adjust our efforts around retention and attraction, ensuring we are able to proactively address concerns to retain women across all levels at Capco.
*N.B. Capco’s 2022 submission incorrectly reported that the percentage of women at senior leadership was 24.12%. The actual figure was 21.1% and stricter safeguards have been introduced to protect the integrity of this data going forward