Volatility in the regulatory landscape has deeply impacted financial and risk management practices. New regulations have created new complexities, high implementation costs and an increase in risk reporting. Although subject to different schedules, these new regulations – CCAR, DFAST and others – intertwine and should be dealt with cohesively.

The financial services industry faces an operational and technology challenge to comply with its increasing regulatory obligations. Institutions must not only comply, but do so efficiently and cost-effectively to stay competitive. Compliance and risk management strategies must also assure organizational integrity and protect shareholder value.

Dealing effectively with this challenge requires the support of experts who understand how finance and risk converge. This includes knowledge of data supply chains, governance and reporting processes, as well as how they interconnect. Capco’s deep expertise in these areas forms the foundation of our solutions for finance and risk management.

Capco’s record of successful delivery shows that we command a unique understanding of current and upcoming finance and risk data management challenges. We understand precisely how risk and finance converge at the data level, and we know how to use this to successfully implement risk management and compliance programs aimed at complex regulations. To drive positive impact predictably and cost-effectively, Capco’s solutions also include accelerators for scenario analysis and rapid prototyping, and for the data supply chain, alongside a comprehensive and tested data model.

Finance and risk convergence is one of the toughest challenges the financial services industry faces. Capco’s knowledge and experience effectively managing finance and risk data gives us the ability and visionary perspective to empower our clients to overcome it.